Look at bottom 4 new news
~*Really Ava*~
Yo website readers! Listen up I have got some info for you. If you want to be in the YelliBelly Club E-Mail us! Plus This is where Tim (Ava, Charlie, Neha, Margarita) Chat so watch out for other updates.
The messages With the cheese mouse are by me Morty.
~*YoYoMa =Charlie*~
Yo people of the world. I am not cool.I am a weirdo. But I write cool stuff.Please note that this should be said in a slightly boring voice. Read my news or I really don't care. Peace I am a dweeb. Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is the last time i will write like this. This is my personality.
~*Really Ava*~
Everyone! We now have YelliBelly worlds! E-mail Tim@yellibelly.com if you want to get a character and a house. Plus we are now acepting Ideas like T.I.P.S from YOU! So be sure to contact us!
Plus when we get more pages We will start recommending T.V shows and games.
Also soon we will have games from miniclip.com.
-Morty 0_0
~*YoYoMa= Charlie*~
Hello,Yellow, Hola, and Aloha peoples of earth. I yoyma have newsarooni for u!!!!! Nobody has signed up for a house yet!! How insultingly rude!! But I don't care about that I care about people not contacting us. You guys are our viewers we need feedback even if they are critisizms!!!! We need the website to make everyone happy. So please E-mail us with ideas and pictures anything just help us out.By the way here is a list of cool websites that you guys might like 1.Miniclip 2.Millsberry 3.Nick 4.iCarly 5.Addicting games 6.Yellibelly 7.Disney Channel 8.Discovery Kids 9.dress up games 10.Webkinz 11.Highlights kids 12.Postopia 13.Club Penguin 14.Tomogotchi 15.Monk-E-Mail 16.Age-O-Matic 17.Neopets 18.Bratz. People some of them may not be so good but what the hay this is for young viewers too. Peace, Oh by the way don't forget to study for the FCAT guys.
Hey dudes look at my icon it ROX!!!!!
Why does everyone hate MAYO??????
The Question is why does everyone hate mayo?
No one is exactly sure why but we the TOP SECRET SPIES will find out!!!!!!!!
Scoop 1~ The first scoop is that once on an episode of Spongebob when Patrick and Spongebob were playing with hooks. When suddenly Mr. Krabs came up to them and said “ Boys don’t do that! You could become mayo!”. They were not sure why but after a day it got old. But one day SPONGEBOB was looking for PATRICK but when PATRICK got home he was in a can of MAYONNAISE!!!!!
Scoop 2~ The second scoop we got was that Mayo is seafood! So that means lots of kids hate seafood! So that was a very short scoop but it’s true!
Well See Yall Later!
Yo Joe! News
Yippeekya You
Yippekya You is when kids get to be cowboys! YOU get to be one. Ask your PARENTS you can be a part of it. email tim@yellibelly.com
Toppsy Turvey
Toppsy Turvey is a NEW talk SHOW. With kids doing the talking. NOT PARENTS. Please call the number below if you would like to sign up (10& up) email tim@yellibelly.com
YoYoMa as you know is a character in the now PUBLISHEDBook The Adventures Of The Forbidden 4. Do YOU want a poster if you do email tim@yellibelly.com
London Tipton Star
LONDON TIPTON STAR is about London Tipton she came back on top and did not come down again until TODAY!Nobody knew why but we had an inside scoop. She came down because of her father!
March’s News
-Morty x_X
Look at the pic
-MORTY :-)
~*YoYoMa= Charlie*~
This is going to be random!!!!!! I love cheese, pie, chicken, yogurt and sausages!!!!!!! Do you ??? If u have a problem with that, back off!!!! So please love these things.
~*Morty & YoYoMa*~
Morty- Yo YoYoMa! Lets make a crazy FROOOG theme song!
YoYoMa-Ya I havea a totally crazy theme song!!! Sung in the tune of all in this together!!!!
Morty & YoYoma- Crazy Frog in the house he is cool without a dought. That is all we have updates will come soon peace out bye !!!!!!!!!! p.s. Morty is a figure made out of toothpicks and dots!!! He used to be a turtle but he is now a snail!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
= Mortaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here is more pictures of what created Morty
Cows r awesome cause cows make milk that makes cheese plus they dance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cheese hates Charlie.But Charlie does not hate cheese. Weird Huh!!!! GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!CChhhhhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!
Look at A.K.A YoYoMa's and Cheese's dog as a puppy!!! p.s. cheese is billie!!!
Here he is now!!!!~Isn't he cute!!!!~P.S. his name is Bo and he is a BullMastiff!!!!!! Look at crazy frog!!!He is playing soccer!!!!!!
Look at my mini dancing dude!!!!!!!
Enter the brand new contest to win a mini dancing dude
all you have to do is figure out the secret message and type a romance poem of love, e-mail it to Tim@yellibelly.com.
Yo peoples! It's Neha and this is me first blog so shut up and listen.STOP DANCING YOU DIMWIT! I said STOP DANCING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh what the hey! AAAAAHHHHHH! It's a mutant leoperadon!!! HELP ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! THank You for listening.AH~!!!